Thursday, May 31, 2007

10 things i now know

10 Things I Now Know.
1.nuthing is free
2. Placenta is not a Strawberry Pastry.
3. If you are dancing in your boxers and the shades are not closed. It doesn't 4. Black socks make you look ridiculous. Especially when you are working out.matter if you are on the second floor. People can still see you.
5. Headaches cannot be cured by repeatedly slamming your head into a microwave oven.
6. Push up bra's are the great deceiver. Her breast aren't really that big.
7. Just because a girl smiles at you, waves, or laughs at your retarded jokes it doesn't mean that she likes you.
8. Teenage girls are a bucket full of crazy. Steer clear from them.
9. If you have a homoerotic dream it doesn't necessarily mean you are gay. Unless Keanu Reeves happens to be in it.
10. The lazier you are the less you get accomplished in life, but you will get more accomplished in World of Warcraft.